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Frequently Asked Questions


  • 1. How does it all work?
    The answer is in the page "How does it work".
  • 2. Do you travel elsewhere?
    Currently, we only serve Paris city and its surroundings, as Versailles and EuroDisney. Outside the region, only for jobs that take an entire day or more, and on a specific budget.
  • 1. How to book?
    Do the following: 1 - Select your package option On the PACKAGES page you can choose between Daytime or Evening Photo Shoot. Each option each is different, mainly, in its duration and price. The more hours, the more locations are included. You shoul tells us after about the itenerary you wish , so it can be prepared. 2 - Select day and time Proceed to BOOK ONLINE wich allows you to find the avaulable days and times. 3 - Booking fee After filling in some basic details about you, it's necessary to pay a 50€ reservation fee. 4 - Booking confirmation Afer paying, you'll receive a confirmation email. Yor reserve is now complete.
  • 2. How long before the reservation should be made?
    As long as there's availability, you can do it whenever you want. Even 1 year before. However, we advise you not to book aonly a few days before, as there may not be enough time to prepare the sessiion according to your wishes. 1 or 2 months before would be ideal.
  • 3. For wich day of our stay in Paris should we book the session?
    Preferably, the second or third day. If your saty is 5 or 7 days long, for example, we'll have a few days of safety margin. Convenient if something unexpected happens. like heavy rain. It's higly recommended that you do not schedule for your arrival or return day. If you only have the return day available, and if your flight is overnight, we can do the photo shoot in the morning.
  • 4. What time should I book?
    In the case of a day session, you should book your session for the first or last hours of the day, aiming sunrise and sunset. That's when the light is "softer". For instance: If the sunrise is between 8 and 9 am, you should book for 8 am. If it is exactly at 8:00 amm we might ask you to meet at 7:45 am. The same aplies to sunset. But don´t worry, we can adjust the time later. The evening session will take place after sunset, or may even include it. It all depends on available hours. Sunset times variy according to the season. In winter time, it can be at 5:00 pm, or at 9:45 pm in the summer. See the "Session" and the page "Locations in Paris" topic to find out more about the best days and times in each recommended location. Click here for the sunrise ans sunset times yearly (secure site). Any questions regarding this or any other subject, don't hesitate to contact us.
  • 5. How can I postpone or antecipate the session?
    Get in touch via any of the communication channels: WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Email or even by phone. Howerver, the simplest and quickest way is to already had booked online (you can sign up with or facebook profile). Then, you can do the desire change easily under "my reservations".
  • 6. How to cancel the photo shoot?
    You can do using any of the communication channels. And you should also consult our cacelation policy.
  • 7. Why do the "Evening" schedules in the Online Agenda start at 5 pm?"
    It's just a pre-definition of the booking app. It's suitable for winter hours, but not for the other seasons. In Summer, for example, night begins, for a peiod os several days, around 10:00 pm. It'll be adjusted according to sunset times, as soon as possible. The time you should consider for the beginning of the evening is the sunset time.
  • 8. How to chose locations?
    You must choos according to your preference. When choosing more than one, you should remember that if they are too far apart, the travel time will be longer, thus, letting us less time for the poto shoot. Ideally, you should pick a main place like, for instance, the Eiffel Tower, and anorher not to far, like Alexandre III Bridge. Also the Louvre and Tuileries Garden or Palis Royal. All great locations for your Photo Shoot in Paris.
  • 1. How is payement made?
    The payement is divided in 2 parts: the reservation fee (50,00€) and the rest. The first is paid online and is essential to guarantee your booking. If you prefer, we can send a payment request via Paypal. The remaining will be paid, in cash, at the end of the photo shoot.
  • 1. What types of services and sessions do you do?
    Couples, single, elopment, surprise wedding proposasl and more. Visite "Session Types" page to learn more. The sessions duration varies between 1 and 3 hours. including the 1h30 Mini Photo Tours.
  • 2. Can I combine a regular Photo Shoot or a Surprise Proposal with a Mini Photo Tour?
    Yes, you can. But in this case, you have to make two bookings: 1- On the page Pricing and Booking, book you regular session. 2- On the page Mini Photo Tours, book the one you want. You should check the availabity of the day and bookm, preferably, one right after the other. If you have any difficulties, or if you prefer, just contact us directly and we'll manage the booking for you.
  • 3. I'm a man and I want to make a SECRET surprise proposal to my girlfriend. How does it work?
    When booking, let us know about your wish immediately. We'll advise. prepare and guide you through the all process. Konow more here.
  • 4. Which days and times are the best for the session?
    In general, any day and time allows you to take grat pictures, depending on the season and location. Still, there are 2 preferable periods: I. Regarding the light: 1 - The first hours of daylightm including sunrise. 2 - The last hous of daylightm inliding sunset. Great places at sunset are, for example, Pont Alexandre III and See LOCATIONS to find out more. II. Regarding the crowd: It's allways good idea to finish the photo shoot before 11h00. In most locations, tourists start arriving in large nmbers around 10:00 am. It's allways possible to prevent the crowd from being in the photo, but this concern wil cause time constraints and might afect the framing of the photo. At night, there are fewer problems related to crowds. Check out here sunrise and sunset times for any day of the year, in Paris (secure site).
  • 5. What's like the photo shoot day?
    Please, check out "How Doest it Work?" and find the answers.
  • 6. What if it rains?
    We always check out the weather forecast the previous days. so we can, eventually, suggest to postpone or antecipate the photo shoot If even despite that there's rain or bad weather, we'll stop the photo shoot and wait. Often, rain episodes ony last a few minutes.
  • 1. How many final selected photos will I get?
    Depends om the option you have chosen: - 1 location: 20 fotos - 2 locations: 45 fotos - 3 locations: 70 fotos You can always get more photos, if you wish. The're available aty 5€ each.
  • 2. Are the photos edited?
    Yes. All the selected photos are edited in color. If you like black and white, tell us, as you can provide you some photos in that color scheme. The previews - the total number thal you'll receive for selection, seldom get any edition.
  • 3. How quickly wi'll I get some photos ?
    We'll select and edit up to 3 photos and we'll sent them to you the very some day, or the next, first thing in the morning, if it was an evening photo shoot, before we sent you all the previews for selection. The se 3 photos are part of the amount of photos that you get to choose. They're an extra included in the package
  • 4. How soon weill I receive the previews?
    Uo to a mximun of 48/72 hours, and in one of the following ways: 1 - Through a link to download a zipped folder. 2 - Accessing your private and exclusive online gallery herem in our site, or elsewhere.
  • 5. How long does it take to get the selected finished photos?
    Usually, between 3 and 7 days, counting from the day that we got your selection. In some cases, it may take longer, up to 14 days. But rest assured, you'll be informed in advance of any delay.
  • 1. What do you suggest as outfit?
    This subject is so delicate and important that it has its own space, as part of "IMAGE ADVICE" under construction). Find you answers there.
  • 2. What colors to chose?
    If the type of outfit is inportant, so are colors. First of all, you should pick the colors that match your natural contrast and skin tone. being also influenced by your skin undertone. You should also consider luminosity.If skin tone is pale, for instance, you should not pick very light colors. specially yellows ou oranges, unless you balanced them with other darker colorm that matches you narural contrast. Again, this a complex subject, therefore, you'll find it also on IMAGE ADVICE. Nevertheless, here arre some of the colors that work, wich should be que rmatched with neutral colors. 1. Rose/Pastel 3. Red/Bordeaux 3. Blue/Turquoise 5. Purple/Violet 6. Light Neutrals: Whites, Bejes, Greys. 7. Dark Neutrals: Greys, Black. 8- Light Greens
  • 3. Can I change clothes during the session?
    Yes. You can a have a diferent look for each location. However, you should keep in mind that you'll taking some time out of the session. The change can be made on our portable cabin, our car, or in a café nearby.
  • 1. Should I use accessories?
    It's completely up to you. We do recommend any type of accessory that you love, with wich you feel confortable, or without wich you cannot do. But make it simple and small. It's YOU who runs the show.
  • 2. Do you provide accessories and props?
    Yes, we do provide some accessories, like umbrellas and parasols, and props like baloons. onsulte a página "PROPS e ACESSÓRIOS" (em consytrução). We also order any other prop that you wish, as an extra service, so you don't have to worry or waste your time with it.
  • 3. What about make up and hairdresser services?
    We do not provide this kind of service, but we can arrage to hire someone who will provide these services for you. Contact us.
  • 1. Is the transfer time between locations included in the session time?
    Yes, it is, and you must take this in acount when choosing locations. But you can always add an extra 30 mins extension to the photo shoot, if necessary.
  • 1. How's the weather in Paris?
    In Paris, we have mainly 2 types of climate: oceanic and continental. The influence of the former is grater and translate into warmer summers and winters that range from mild and frequent rain, to cold and dry and no sun, or even cold and snow, Sow is rarem occuring only a few days a yea, spcially i nJanuary or February. However, if it snows heavily, it can cover everything for several days or even weeks (rare) There may also be days laden with fog that doesn't dissipate (rare) or incessant wind that make it very difficut to use balloons. There are several forecast apps and sites that you can check out, like this one here.
  • 2. Wich temperature will I find during may stay in Paris?
    Here's agraphic of the average temperatures you can expect:
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